
News regarding the writer, Douglas V. Gibbs

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Now that my surgery complications have uncomplicated themselves

Political Pistachio (the book) has done a couple of unexpected things. First, chapter one is one of the most brilliant pieces of writing I've ever produced; and second, due to the brilliance of the first chapter, the rest of the book suffers. I am nearly finished with the second draft, and I am re-writing like crazy, trying to get the subsequent chapters to capture the magic of the first. Being home because of a recent surgery set me back at first, but now that I am moving about, I am actively writing - - unfortunately, my day job is now catching up to me, and this coming Monday it will be time to go back to work.

Still, even when I am exhausted from work, I keep writing.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Surgery, and the approach of 9/11

Tomorrow I go under the knife, which will interrupt my writing for a week - - or will it? My best writing is accomplished when I allow my mind to wander and relax, so while I recuperate from my surgery, I will be able to accomplish my best writing while flat on my back. I'll be keeping a pad and pen handy, of course.

As the five year anniversary of September 11, 2001's attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United 93 approaches, I have joined a group that will pay tribute to the 2,996 victims of 9/11. My tribute for the victim assigned to me will be posted on my Political Pistachio website on that date.

As Political Pistachio (the book) progresses, so does my query letter. When the book is finally ready for eyes to see, the query should be sound enough that responses should not be so far and in between. This is the most unique work I have ever written, and I have a lot of faith in it. The tag line is: "Treason is only a matter of perspective."